Where Do Odors Come From?

Where Do Odors Come From?

Most people have experienced an unpleasant smell at some point in their lives, whether it’s the stench of a dirty litter box, the musty odor of a damp basement, or the lingering smell of cigarette smoke.

While it’s easy to recognize and dislike bad smells, most people don’t often think about where those odors come from or what causes them.

Understanding the sources of unpleasant odors is important not only for eliminating them but also for preventing them from occurring in the first place.

By identifying the causes of odors, individuals can take steps to improve indoor air quality, reduce the spread of germs and bacteria, and create a more pleasant living environment.

Below we list the 8 most common causes of bad odors and how to ELIMINATE all of them with just one easy-to-use odor eliminator product:

The 8 Most Common Causes of Odors in a Home

Odors from Microorganisms

Bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms are among the most common causes of unpleasant odors.

These tiny organisms break down organic matter, producing compounds that can have a strong, pungent smell.

For example, the bacteria that cause body odor break down the sweat on our skin, while the fungi responsible for mold and mildew produce musty odors that can be difficult to eliminate.

In some cases, eliminating the source of the microorganisms may be necessary to eliminate odor, while in other cases, cleaning and deodorizing may be sufficient.

Chemical Reactions

Certain chemical reactions can produce distinct odors that can be difficult to ignore.

For example, the smell of gasoline is due to the chemicals in the fuel vaporizing and reacting with the air.

Similarly, bleach produces a distinct odor due to the reaction between sodium hypochlorite and organic compounds.

Depending on the type of odor, ventilation and air filtration may be necessary to eliminate the odor, or cleaning and deodorizing may be sufficient.


Organic matter that is decomposing can produce an unpleasant odor that can be difficult to eliminate. This is because the process of decomposition produces compounds such as ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which can have a strong, unpleasant odor.

This can occur in a variety of situations, such as when food is left to spoil or when animal waste is left to accumulate.

Cleaning and deodorizing are usually necessary to eliminate the odor, and in some cases, it may be necessary to remove the source of the odor entirely.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and air circulation can have a significant impact on the intensity and persistence of odors.

For example, high humidity can exacerbate the musty smell of mold and mildew, while poor air circulation can allow odors to linger in a space.

To eliminate odors caused by environmental factors, it may be necessary to address the underlying issue, such as by improving ventilation or reducing humidity.

Human & Animal Activity

Human and animal activity can produce odors that can be difficult to eliminate.

For example, sweating can produce body odor, while urinating can produce a distinct smell that can be difficult to eliminate from fabrics.

Similarly, pets can produce a variety of odors, including urine, feces and dander.

Cleaning and deodorizing are often necessary to eliminate these types of odors, and in some cases, preventing the source of the odor may be necessary.

Smoking & Cigarette Smell

Smoking tobacco or other substances can produce distinct odors that can be difficult to eliminate.

The chemicals in smoke can stick to clothing, upholstery, and other fabrics, producing a persistent odor. In addition, smoking can also produce a distinct odor on the breath and skin.

To eliminate smoking odors, it may be necessary to clean and deodorize fabrics, as well as to eliminate the source of the odor entirely.

Poor Hygiene & Body Odor

Poor hygiene can lead to body odor or the accumulation of bacteria, resulting in unpleasant odors.

For example, neglecting to shower or brush teeth can lead to an accumulation of bacteria on the skin and in the mouth, producing a distinct odor.

Similarly, failing to clean clothes or other fabrics can allow bacteria to accumulate, producing an unpleasant smell.

To eliminate odors caused by poor hygiene, it is essential to address the underlying hygiene issues, as well as to clean and deodorize fabrics.

Chemical Emissions

Chemical emissions from building materials, cleaning products, or other sources can produce unpleasant odors that can be difficult to eliminate.

For example, the chemicals used in certain paints and varnishes can produce a strong, chemical smell, while cleaning.

How to Eliminate Odors with Just One Product?

Now that you know what causes odors to begin with you probably want to know, “How do I remove odors from my home?”

How? Chlorine Dioxide (CIO2) and Bio-Bombs of course!

Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) is a highly effective chemical for eliminating bad smells and odors because of its ability to oxidize and break down organic molecules that are responsible for unpleasant odors.

How to Use CIO2 to Eliminate Odors?

Utilizing a distinctive gas off technique, Bio-Bombs are a potent odor-eliminating solution that releases CIO2 into the atmosphere. This gas infiltrates porous surfaces and reaches areas where odors are trapped, neutralizing them effectively.

From smoke and pet urine to mildew, Bio-Bombs can eliminate odors emanating from a diverse range of sources. The best part is, these odor eliminators are entirely safe and eco-friendly. They do not rely on harmful chemicals or masking agents that can have detrimental effects on the environment.

With Bio-Bombs, you can breathe easier, knowing that you’re using a safe, effective and sustainable solution for eliminating odors.

Buy Bio-Bombs Online

Looking for an odor eliminator product for your home? You’ve come to the right website! Shop Bio-Bombs Here. You will find several odor removal products able to eliminate odors in just one treatment.

Questions? You can contact us and we’ll be happy to explain how to use the products for the best results.